Thursday, August 6, 2009

testing 1 2 3

hmmmm, hmmmmmmmm,hmmmmmmmm how do I get music video posted where you do not have to click a link? This is what I am wondering. How do I get a music playlist on my blog? This is what I am wondering. HMMMMMMMMMMM.
OMG I figured it out!!!! well the first part, now the playlist.

In the garden....I just recieved a call back from a gal that has an organic farm/garden here in our county. I saw a picture in our monthly Food Co-op of her gardens, I called her to see if they do "tours". From what I could see the place is like my shangri-lah. No tours, they are busy busy with all the work they that do to keep it running at close to peak harvesting right now, just the 2 of them. To be quite honest I am seeking support for us garden gnomes, kind of like a 12 step program for gals with dirty fingernails. So we chatted a bit about organic gardening and this slow weather pattern, CSA and the like. It was good.

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